Room ID: 113
Exit condition: { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 4, "openEnd": 1 } } |
Requires: "h_canHeatedCrystalFlash" |
Lay a Power Bomb immediately after killing the Viola, in order to get a Power Bomb drop even if full on Power Bombs. Jump straight up to collect the drop, then remorph and hold the Crystal Flash inputs. Requires: { "heatFrames": 260 } "h_canHeated10PowerBombCrystalFlash" { "heatFrames": 80 } |
Requires: { "heatFrames": 100 } Unlocks doors: {"types":["missiles"],"requires":[{"heatFrames":20}]} |
Entrance condition: { "comeInShinecharged": { "framesRequired": 85 } } Requires: { "heatFrames": 85 } Exit condition: { "leaveShinecharged": { "framesRemaining": "auto" } } Unlocks doors: {"types":["super"],"requires":[]} {"types":["missiles","powerbomb"],"requires":["never"]} |
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door
Entrance condition: { "comeInShinecharged": { "framesRequired": 10 } } Requires: { "shinespark": { "frames": 21 } } { "heatFrames": 60 } Exit condition: { "leaveWithSpark": {} } Unlocks doors: {"types":["super"],"requires":[]} {"types":["missiles","powerbomb"],"requires":["never"]} |
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door
Entrance condition: { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 3, "openEnd": 0 } } Requires: { "heatFrames": 100 } Exit condition: { "leaveShinecharged": { "framesRemaining": 90 } } Unlocks doors: {"types":["super"],"requires":[]} {"types":["missiles","powerbomb"],"requires":["never"]} |
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door
Entrance condition: { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 3, "openEnd": 0 } } Requires: { "heatFrames": 60 } { "shinespark": { "frames": 17, "excessFrames": 0 } } Exit condition: { "leaveWithSpark": {} } Unlocks doors: {"types":["super"],"requires":[]} {"types":["missiles","powerbomb"],"requires":["never"]} |
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door
Entrance condition: { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 3, "openEnd": 0 } } Requires: "canChainTemporaryBlue" { "heatFrames": 310 } { "or": [ "canXRayCancelShinecharge", { "heatFrames": 160 } ] } Exit condition: { "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {} } Unlocks doors: {"types":["ammo"],"requires":[]} |
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 5
Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)
Requires: { "heatFrames": 110 } |
From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door
Entrance condition: { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 4, "gentleUpTiles": 2, "openEnd": 1 } } Requires: "canLongChainTemporaryBlue" { "heatFrames": 900 } { "or": [ "canXRayCancelShinecharge", { "heatFrames": 160 } ] } "canTrickySpringBallBounce" "canXRayTurnaround" Exit condition: { "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {} } Unlocks doors: {"types":["ammo"],"requires":[]} |
From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 2
Middle Left Door
Exit condition: { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 6, "openEnd": 0, "gentleDownTiles": 2 } } |
From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 2
Middle Left Door
Exit condition: { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 11, "openEnd": 0, "gentleDownTiles": 4 } } |
Requires: "h_canHeatedCrystalFlash" |
Requires: "Morph" { "heatFrames": 225 } { "or": [ { "heatFrames": 10 }, "canMockball", { "obstaclesCleared": [ "A" ] } ] } Clears obstacles: A Unlocks doors: {"types":["powerbomb"],"requires":[{"heatFrames":60}]} |
From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door
Entrance condition: { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 4, "gentleUpTiles": 2, "openEnd": 1 } } Requires: "canLongChainTemporaryBlue" { "heatFrames": 860 } { "or": [ "canXRayCancelShinecharge", { "heatFrames": 160 } ] } "canTrickySpringBallBounce" "canXRayTurnaround" Exit condition: { "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {} } Unlocks doors: {"types":["ammo"],"requires":[]} |
From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 5
Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)
Requires: "Morph" { "heatFrames": 165 } { "or": [ { "heatFrames": 10 }, "canMockball", { "obstaclesCleared": [ "A" ] } ] } Clears obstacles: A |
Requires: "Morph" { "heatFrames": 260 } { "or": [ { "and": [ "Wave", { "heatFrames": 30 } ] }, { "obstaclesCleared": [ "A" ] } ] } Clears obstacles: A |
Requires: "Morph" { "heatFrames": 260 } "h_canHeatedBlueGateGlitch" Clears obstacles: A |
Exit condition: { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 14, "openEnd": 0 } } |
Requires: "h_heatProof" { "resetRoom": { "nodes": [ 1, 3, 4 ], "mustStayPut": false } } { "refill": [ "PowerBomb" ] } |
Requires: "h_canHeatedCrystalFlash" |
From: 3
Bottom Left Door
To: 3
Bottom Left Door
Lay a Power Bomb immediately after killing the Viola, in order to get a Power Bomb drop even if full on Power Bombs. Jump straight up to collect the drop, then remorph and hold the Crystal Flash inputs. Requires: { "heatFrames": 240 } "h_canHeated10PowerBombCrystalFlash" { "heatFrames": 70 } |
Use a Super to knock off the Viola to regain mobility. The Viola on the top right of the screen is the only one that can hit Samus here. Requires: { "ammo": { "type": "Super", "count": 1 } } { "enemyDamage": { "enemy": "Viola", "type": "contact", "hits": 1 } } |
From: 3
Bottom Left Door
To: 5
Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)
Requires: { "heatFrames": 130 } |
Requires: { "heatFrames": 100 } Unlocks doors: {"types":["missiles"],"requires":[{"heatFrames":20}]} |
Entrance condition: { "comeInShinecharged": { "framesRequired": 85 } } Requires: { "heatFrames": 85 } Exit condition: { "leaveShinecharged": { "framesRemaining": "auto" } } Unlocks doors: {"types":["super"],"requires":[]} {"types":["missiles","powerbomb"],"requires":["never"]} |
From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 1
Top Left Door
Entrance condition: { "comeInShinecharged": { "framesRequired": 10 } } Requires: { "shinespark": { "frames": 21 } } { "heatFrames": 60 } Exit condition: { "leaveWithSpark": {} } Unlocks doors: {"types":["super"],"requires":[]} {"types":["missiles","powerbomb"],"requires":["never"]} |
From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 1
Top Left Door
Entrance condition: { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 3, "openEnd": 1 } } Requires: { "heatFrames": 100 } Exit condition: { "leaveShinecharged": { "framesRemaining": 90 } } Unlocks doors: {"types":["super"],"requires":[]} {"types":["missiles","powerbomb"],"requires":["never"]} |
From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 1
Top Left Door
Entrance condition: { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 3, "openEnd": 0 } } Requires: { "heatFrames": 60 } { "shinespark": { "frames": 17, "excessFrames": 0 } } Exit condition: { "leaveWithSpark": {} } Unlocks doors: {"types":["super"],"requires":[]} {"types":["missiles","powerbomb"],"requires":["never"]} |
From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 1
Top Left Door
Entrance condition: { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 3, "openEnd": 0 } } Requires: "canChainTemporaryBlue" { "heatFrames": 310 } { "or": [ "canXRayCancelShinecharge", { "heatFrames": 160 } ] } Exit condition: { "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {} } Unlocks doors: {"types":["ammo"],"requires":[]} |
Entrance condition: { "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 18 ], [ 2, 19 ], [ 2, 28 ], [ 2, 29 ] ] } } Bypasses door shell: true |
From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 2
Middle Left Door
Entrance condition: { "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 18 ] ] } } Exit condition: { "leaveWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 18 ] ] } } Bypasses door shell: true |
From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 2
Middle Left Door
Entrance condition: { "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 19 ] ] } } Exit condition: { "leaveWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 19 ] ] } } Bypasses door shell: true |
From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 2
Middle Left Door
Entrance condition: { "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 28 ] ] } } Exit condition: { "leaveWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 28 ] ] } } Bypasses door shell: true |
From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 2
Middle Left Door
Entrance condition: { "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 29 ] ] } } Exit condition: { "leaveWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 29 ] ] } } Bypasses door shell: true |
From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 2
Middle Left Door
Exit the previous room with Samus in a standing pose (while grappled). After teleporting, press right to release Grapple while staying standing (not being forced into a crouch). Then X-ray climb to get up to the door transition, without needing to open the door. Entrance condition: { "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 34 ] ] } } Requires: "canXRayClimb" { "heatFrames": 1600 } Bypasses door shell: true |
Exit condition: { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 4, "openEnd": 1 } } |
Requires: "h_canHeatedCrystalFlash" |
Lay a Power Bomb immediately after killing the Viola, in order to get a Power Bomb drop even if full on Power Bombs. Jump straight up to collect the drop, then remorph and hold the Crystal Flash inputs. Requires: { "heatFrames": 270 } "h_canHeated10PowerBombCrystalFlash" { "heatFrames": 90 } |
From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 5
Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)
Requires: { "heatFrames": 100 } |
From: 5
Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)
To: 1
Top Left Door
Requires: { "heatFrames": 150 } |
From: 5
Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)
To: 2
Middle Left Door
Requires: "Morph" { "heatFrames": 150 } { "or": [ { "and": [ "Wave", { "heatFrames": 30 } ] }, { "obstaclesCleared": [ "A" ] } ] } Clears obstacles: A |
From: 5
Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)
To: 2
Middle Left Door
Requires: "Morph" { "heatFrames": 150 } "h_canHeatedBlueGateGlitch" Clears obstacles: A |
From: 5
Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)
To: 2
Middle Left Door
Requires: "Morph" { "heatFrames": 150 } { "or": [ { "and": [ "Wave", { "heatFrames": 30 } ] }, { "obstaclesCleared": [ "A" ] } ] } Exit condition: { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 11, "openEnd": 0, "gentleDownTiles": 4 } } Clears obstacles: A Unlocks doors: {"types":["missiles"],"requires":[{"heatFrames":70}]} {"types":["super"],"requires":[]} {"types":["powerbomb"],"requires":[{"heatFrames":110}]} |
From: 5
Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)
To: 2
Middle Left Door
Requires: "Morph" { "heatFrames": 150 } "h_canHeatedBlueGateGlitch" Exit condition: { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 11, "openEnd": 0, "gentleDownTiles": 4 } } Clears obstacles: A Unlocks doors: {"types":["missiles"],"requires":[{"heatFrames":90}]} {"types":["super"],"requires":[]} {"types":["powerbomb"],"requires":[{"heatFrames":110}]} |
From: 5
Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)
To: 3
Bottom Left Door
Requires: { "heatFrames": 130 } Unlocks doors: {"types":["missiles"],"requires":[{"heatFrames":50}]} {"types":["super"],"requires":[]} {"types":["powerbomb"],"requires":[{"heatFrames":60}]} |
From: 5
Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)
To: 3
Bottom Left Door
Requires: { "heatFrames": 160 } Exit condition: { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 14, "openEnd": 0 } } Unlocks doors: {"types":["missiles"],"requires":[{"heatFrames":50}]} {"types":["super"],"requires":[]} {"types":["powerbomb"],"requires":[{"heatFrames":60}]} |
From: 5
Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)
To: 4
Top Right Door
Requires: { "heatFrames": 150 } |
From: 5
Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)
To: 5
Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)
Requires: "h_canHeatedCrystalFlash" |
{ "$schema": "../../../schema/m3-room.schema.json", "id": 113, "name": "Kronic Boost Room", "area": "Norfair", "subarea": "Upper", "subsubarea": "East", "playable": true, "roomAddress": "0x7AE74", "roomEnvironments": [ { "heated": true } ], "nodes": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Top Left Door", "nodeType": "door", "nodeSubType": "blue", "nodeAddress": "0x0019666", "doorOrientation": "left", "doorEnvironments": [ { "physics": "air" } ] }, { "id": 2, "name": "Middle Left Door", "nodeType": "door", "nodeSubType": "blue", "nodeAddress": "0x001968a", "doorOrientation": "left", "doorEnvironments": [ { "physics": "air" } ] }, { "id": 3, "name": "Bottom Left Door", "nodeType": "door", "nodeSubType": "yellow", "nodeAddress": "0x001967e", "doorOrientation": "left", "doorEnvironments": [ { "physics": "air" } ] }, { "id": 4, "name": "Top Right Door", "nodeType": "door", "nodeSubType": "blue", "nodeAddress": "0x0019672", "doorOrientation": "right", "doorEnvironments": [ { "physics": "air" } ] }, { "id": 5, "name": "Middle Junction (Ledge Right of Morph Tunnel)", "nodeType": "junction", "nodeSubType": "junction" } ], "obstacles": [ { "id": "A", "name": "Blue Gate", "obstacleType": "inanimate" } ], "enemies": [ { "id": "e1", "groupName": "Kronic Boost Room Bottom Violas", "enemyName": "Viola", "quantity": 3, "homeNodes": [ 3 ], "dropRequires": [ "h_heatProof" ] }, { "id": "e2", "groupName": "Kronic Boost Room Top Viola", "enemyName": "Viola", "quantity": 1, "homeNodes": [ 1, 4 ], "dropRequires": [ "h_heatProof" ] } ], "links": [ { "from": 1, "to": [ { "id": 1 }, { "id": 4 }, { "id": 5 } ] }, { "from": 2, "to": [ { "id": 1 }, { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 }, { "id": 4 }, { "id": 5 } ] }, { "from": 3, "to": [ { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 }, { "id": 5 } ] }, { "from": 4, "to": [ { "id": 1 }, { "id": 2 }, { "id": 4 }, { "id": 5 } ] }, { "from": 5, "to": [ { "id": 1 }, { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 }, { "id": 4 }, { "id": 5 } ] } ], "strats": [ { "id": 1, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Leave with Runway", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 4, "openEnd": 1 } } }, { "id": 2, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Crystal Flash", "requires": [ "h_canHeatedCrystalFlash" ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 3, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "10 Power Bomb Crystal Flash", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 260 }, "h_canHeated10PowerBombCrystalFlash", { "heatFrames": 80 } ], "flashSuitChecked": true, "note": [ "Lay a Power Bomb immediately after killing the Viola, in order to get a Power Bomb drop even if full on Power Bombs.", "Jump straight up to collect the drop, then remorph and hold the Crystal Flash inputs." ], "devNote": "The heat frames here could be tightened by adding another node." }, { "id": 4, "link": [ 1, 4 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 100 } ], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "missiles" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 20 } ] } ] }, { "id": 5, "link": [ 1, 4 ], "name": "Carry Shinecharge", "entranceCondition": { "comeInShinecharged": { "framesRequired": 85 } }, "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 85 } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveShinecharged": { "framesRemaining": "auto" } }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "missiles", "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ "never" ] } ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 6, "link": [ 1, 4 ], "name": "Come In Shinecharged, Leave Sparking", "entranceCondition": { "comeInShinecharged": { "framesRequired": 10 } }, "requires": [ { "shinespark": { "frames": 21 } }, { "heatFrames": 60 } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithSpark": {} }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "missiles", "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ "never" ] } ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 7, "link": [ 1, 4 ], "name": "Come In Shinecharging, Leave Shinecharged", "entranceCondition": { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 3, "openEnd": 0 } }, "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 100 } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveShinecharged": { "framesRemaining": 90 } }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "missiles", "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ "never" ] } ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 8, "link": [ 1, 4 ], "name": "Come In Shinecharging, Leave With Spark", "entranceCondition": { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 3, "openEnd": 0 } }, "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 60 }, { "shinespark": { "frames": 17, "excessFrames": 0 } } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithSpark": {} }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "missiles", "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ "never" ] } ], "devNote": "This strat is probably only useful if shinesparks are modified to not cost energy." }, { "id": 47, "link": [ 1, 4 ], "name": "Come in Shinecharging, Leave With Temporary Blue", "entranceCondition": { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 3, "openEnd": 0 } }, "requires": [ "canChainTemporaryBlue", { "heatFrames": 310 }, { "or": [ "canXRayCancelShinecharge", { "heatFrames": 160 } ] } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {} }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "ammo" ], "requires": [] } ] }, { "id": 9, "link": [ 1, 5 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 110 } ] }, { "id": 48, "link": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "Come in Shinecharging, Leave With Temporary Blue", "entranceCondition": { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 4, "gentleUpTiles": 2, "openEnd": 1 } }, "requires": [ "canLongChainTemporaryBlue", { "heatFrames": 900 }, { "or": [ "canXRayCancelShinecharge", { "heatFrames": 160 } ] }, "canTrickySpringBallBounce", "canXRayTurnaround" ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {} }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "ammo" ], "requires": [] } ] }, { "id": 10, "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Leave with Runway Closed Gate", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 6, "openEnd": 0, "gentleDownTiles": 2 } } }, { "id": 11, "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Leave with Runway Open Gate", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 11, "openEnd": 0, "gentleDownTiles": 4 } } }, { "id": 12, "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Crystal Flash", "requires": [ "h_canHeatedCrystalFlash" ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 13, "link": [ 2, 3 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [ "Morph", { "heatFrames": 225 }, { "or": [ { "heatFrames": 10 }, "canMockball", { "obstaclesCleared": [ "A" ] } ] } ], "clearsObstacles": [ "A" ], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 60 } ] } ] }, { "id": 49, "link": [ 2, 4 ], "name": "Come in Shinecharging, Leave With Temporary Blue", "entranceCondition": { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 4, "gentleUpTiles": 2, "openEnd": 1 } }, "requires": [ "canLongChainTemporaryBlue", { "heatFrames": 860 }, { "or": [ "canXRayCancelShinecharge", { "heatFrames": 160 } ] }, "canTrickySpringBallBounce", "canXRayTurnaround" ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {} }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "ammo" ], "requires": [] } ] }, { "id": 14, "link": [ 2, 5 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [ "Morph", { "heatFrames": 165 }, { "or": [ { "heatFrames": 10 }, "canMockball", { "obstaclesCleared": [ "A" ] } ] } ], "clearsObstacles": [ "A" ] }, { "id": 15, "link": [ 3, 2 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [ "Morph", { "heatFrames": 260 }, { "or": [ { "and": [ "Wave", { "heatFrames": 30 } ] }, { "obstaclesCleared": [ "A" ] } ] } ], "clearsObstacles": [ "A" ] }, { "id": 16, "link": [ 3, 2 ], "name": "Gate Glitch", "requires": [ "Morph", { "heatFrames": 260 }, "h_canHeatedBlueGateGlitch" ], "clearsObstacles": [ "A" ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 17, "link": [ 3, 3 ], "name": "Leave with Runway", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 14, "openEnd": 0 } } }, { "id": 18, "link": [ 3, 3 ], "name": "Viola Farm", "requires": [ "h_heatProof", { "resetRoom": { "nodes": [ 1, 3, 4 ], "mustStayPut": false } }, { "refill": [ "PowerBomb" ] } ], "devNote": "FIXME: Resetting the room using door node 2 would also be possible if the obstacle is cleared." }, { "id": 19, "link": [ 3, 3 ], "name": "Crystal Flash", "requires": [ "h_canHeatedCrystalFlash" ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 20, "link": [ 3, 3 ], "name": "10 Power Bomb Crystal Flash", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 240 }, "h_canHeated10PowerBombCrystalFlash", { "heatFrames": 70 } ], "flashSuitChecked": true, "note": [ "Lay a Power Bomb immediately after killing the Viola, in order to get a Power Bomb drop even if full on Power Bombs.", "Jump straight up to collect the drop, then remorph and hold the Crystal Flash inputs." ] }, { "id": 21, "link": [ 3, 3 ], "name": "G-Mode Regain Mobility", "requires": [ { "ammo": { "type": "Super", "count": 1 } }, { "enemyDamage": { "enemy": "Viola", "type": "contact", "hits": 1 } } ], "gModeRegainMobility": {}, "flashSuitChecked": true, "note": [ "Use a Super to knock off the Viola to regain mobility.", "The Viola on the top right of the screen is the only one that can hit Samus here." ] }, { "id": 22, "link": [ 3, 5 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 130 } ] }, { "id": 23, "link": [ 4, 1 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 100 } ], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "missiles" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 20 } ] } ] }, { "id": 24, "link": [ 4, 1 ], "name": "Carry Shinecharge", "entranceCondition": { "comeInShinecharged": { "framesRequired": 85 } }, "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 85 } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveShinecharged": { "framesRemaining": "auto" } }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "missiles", "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ "never" ] } ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 25, "link": [ 4, 1 ], "name": "Come In Shinecharged, Leave Sparking", "entranceCondition": { "comeInShinecharged": { "framesRequired": 10 } }, "requires": [ { "shinespark": { "frames": 21 } }, { "heatFrames": 60 } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithSpark": {} }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "missiles", "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ "never" ] } ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 26, "link": [ 4, 1 ], "name": "Come In Shinecharging, Leave Shinecharged", "entranceCondition": { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 3, "openEnd": 1 } }, "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 100 } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveShinecharged": { "framesRemaining": 90 } }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "missiles", "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ "never" ] } ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 27, "link": [ 4, 1 ], "name": "Come In Shinecharging, Leave With Spark", "entranceCondition": { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 3, "openEnd": 0 } }, "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 60 }, { "shinespark": { "frames": 17, "excessFrames": 0 } } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithSpark": {} }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "missiles", "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ "never" ] } ], "devNote": "This strat is probably only useful if shinesparks are modified to not cost energy." }, { "id": 50, "link": [ 4, 1 ], "name": "Come in Shinecharging, Leave With Temporary Blue", "entranceCondition": { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 3, "openEnd": 0 } }, "requires": [ "canChainTemporaryBlue", { "heatFrames": 310 }, { "or": [ "canXRayCancelShinecharge", { "heatFrames": 160 } ] } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {} }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "ammo" ], "requires": [] } ] }, { "id": 28, "link": [ 4, 2 ], "name": "Grapple Teleport", "entranceCondition": { "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 18 ], [ 2, 19 ], [ 2, 28 ], [ 2, 29 ] ] } }, "requires": [], "bypassesDoorShell": true }, { "id": 29, "link": [ 4, 2 ], "name": "Carry Grapple Teleport (Top Position)", "entranceCondition": { "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 18 ] ] } }, "requires": [], "bypassesDoorShell": true, "exitCondition": { "leaveWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 18 ] ] } } }, { "id": 30, "link": [ 4, 2 ], "name": "Carry Grapple Teleport (Upper Middle Position)", "entranceCondition": { "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 19 ] ] } }, "requires": [], "bypassesDoorShell": true, "exitCondition": { "leaveWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 19 ] ] } } }, { "id": 31, "link": [ 4, 2 ], "name": "Carry Grapple Teleport (Lower Middle Position)", "entranceCondition": { "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 28 ] ] } }, "requires": [], "bypassesDoorShell": true, "exitCondition": { "leaveWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 28 ] ] } } }, { "id": 32, "link": [ 4, 2 ], "name": "Carry Grapple Teleport (Bottom Position)", "entranceCondition": { "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 29 ] ] } }, "requires": [], "bypassesDoorShell": true, "exitCondition": { "leaveWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 29 ] ] } } }, { "id": 33, "link": [ 4, 2 ], "name": "Grapple Teleport X-Ray Climb", "entranceCondition": { "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 2, 34 ] ] } }, "requires": [ "canXRayClimb", { "heatFrames": 1600 } ], "bypassesDoorShell": true, "flashSuitChecked": true, "note": [ "Exit the previous room with Samus in a standing pose (while grappled).", "After teleporting, press right to release Grapple while staying standing (not being forced into a crouch).", "Then X-ray climb to get up to the door transition, without needing to open the door." ] }, { "id": 34, "link": [ 4, 4 ], "name": "Leave with Runway", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 4, "openEnd": 1 } } }, { "id": 35, "link": [ 4, 4 ], "name": "Crystal Flash", "requires": [ "h_canHeatedCrystalFlash" ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 36, "link": [ 4, 4 ], "name": "10 Power Bomb Crystal Flash", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 270 }, "h_canHeated10PowerBombCrystalFlash", { "heatFrames": 90 } ], "flashSuitChecked": true, "note": [ "Lay a Power Bomb immediately after killing the Viola, in order to get a Power Bomb drop even if full on Power Bombs.", "Jump straight up to collect the drop, then remorph and hold the Crystal Flash inputs." ], "devNote": "The heat frames here could be tightened by adding another node." }, { "id": 37, "link": [ 4, 5 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 100 } ] }, { "id": 38, "link": [ 5, 1 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 150 } ] }, { "id": 39, "link": [ 5, 2 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [ "Morph", { "heatFrames": 150 }, { "or": [ { "and": [ "Wave", { "heatFrames": 30 } ] }, { "obstaclesCleared": [ "A" ] } ] } ], "clearsObstacles": [ "A" ] }, { "id": 40, "link": [ 5, 2 ], "name": "Gate Glitch", "requires": [ "Morph", { "heatFrames": 150 }, "h_canHeatedBlueGateGlitch" ], "clearsObstacles": [ "A" ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 41, "link": [ 5, 2 ], "name": "Leave with Runway", "requires": [ "Morph", { "heatFrames": 150 }, { "or": [ { "and": [ "Wave", { "heatFrames": 30 } ] }, { "obstaclesCleared": [ "A" ] } ] } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 11, "openEnd": 0, "gentleDownTiles": 4 } }, "clearsObstacles": [ "A" ], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "missiles" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 70 } ] }, { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 110 } ] } ] }, { "id": 42, "link": [ 5, 2 ], "name": "Leave with Runway (Gate Glitch)", "requires": [ "Morph", { "heatFrames": 150 }, "h_canHeatedBlueGateGlitch" ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 11, "openEnd": 0, "gentleDownTiles": 4 } }, "clearsObstacles": [ "A" ], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "missiles" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 90 } ] }, { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 110 } ] } ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 43, "link": [ 5, 3 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 130 } ], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "missiles" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 50 } ] }, { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 60 } ] } ] }, { "id": 44, "link": [ 5, 3 ], "name": "Leave with Runway", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 160 } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 14, "openEnd": 0 } }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "missiles" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 50 } ] }, { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 60 } ] } ] }, { "id": 45, "link": [ 5, 4 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 150 } ] }, { "id": 46, "link": [ 5, 5 ], "name": "Crystal Flash", "requires": [ "h_canHeatedCrystalFlash" ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Base (Unlock Door)", "requires": [], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "missiles" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 50 } ] }, { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 110 } ] } ] }, { "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Base (Come In Normally)", "entranceCondition": { "comeInNormally": {} }, "requires": [] }, { "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Base (Unlock Door)", "requires": [], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "missiles" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 50 } ] }, { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 110 } ] } ] }, { "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Base (Come In Normally)", "entranceCondition": { "comeInNormally": {} }, "requires": [] }, { "link": [ 3, 3 ], "name": "Base (Unlock Door)", "requires": [], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "missiles" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 50 } ] }, { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 110 } ] } ] }, { "link": [ 3, 3 ], "name": "Base (Come In Normally)", "entranceCondition": { "comeInNormally": {} }, "requires": [] }, { "link": [ 4, 4 ], "name": "Base (Unlock Door)", "requires": [], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "missiles" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 50 } ] }, { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 110 } ] } ] }, { "link": [ 4, 4 ], "name": "Base (Come In Normally)", "entranceCondition": { "comeInNormally": {} }, "requires": [] } ], "nextStratId": 51, "notables": [], "nextNotableId": 1 }