Draygon's Room: Leave With Grapple Teleport (Top Position)

Room ID: 193

From: 1
Left Door (locked)
To: 1
Left Door (locked)

Get a boost from a Bomb or Power Bomb while grappled to the top half of the turret above the door. Samus will enter a 'glitched grapple hanging' state where Samus' graphics will appear corrupted while swinging with Grapple. Swing down, and hold left while approaching the door to trigger the transition. Continue holding Grapple through the door transition to initiate a teleport in the next room. If Samus needs to be standing in the next room (e.g. for an X-Ray climb), then be sure to touch the ground before reaching the transition; this can be done by timing the Grapple extension early enough, or, if enough energy is available, by doing a small bounce before going through the transition. If it is needed to enter far to the right (at horizontal position 21), this can be done by pressing up to retract Grapple just before the transition.


  "draygonElectricityFrames": 40
  "or": [
      "draygonElectricityFrames": 40

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGrappleTeleport": {
    "blockPositions": [