Dachora Room: G-Mode Setup - Lure the Zeela Down Below

Room ID: 58

From: 3
Right Door
To: 2
Bottom Left Door

Using Speed Booster, run through and break the bomb wall to free the global Zeela. Break the speed blocks just before the Zeela gets to them in order for it to go down to the bottom half of the room. The speed blocks respawn very quickly, so this requires very precise timing. Normally, it takes the Zeela a minimum of 2 minutes to setup, but a super can make it fall down the shaft, saving 30 seconds. It may be easiest to knock the Zeela from the ceiling directly into the hole, saving another 30 seconds: Shoot a well-timed Super diagonally at the ground just before breaking the speed blocks.


  "notable": "G-Mode Setup - Lure the Zeela Down Below"

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}

Unlocks doors:
