Room ID: 56
Requires: { "or": [ "canDodgeWhileShooting", "ScrewAttack", "h_hasBeamUpgrade" ] } Exit condition: { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 4, "openEnd": 1 } } |
Store a shinecharge with enough space remaining to run and jump over all the steps with a single jump. Requires: { "or": [ "canDodgeWhileShooting", "ScrewAttack", "h_hasBeamUpgrade" ] } { "canShineCharge": { "usedTiles": 25, "openEnd": 0 } } "canShinechargeMovementComplex" { "shineChargeFrames": 105 } Exit condition: { "leaveShinecharged": {} } |
Exit condition: { "leaveSpinning": { "remoteRunway": { "length": 31, "openEnd": 0 } } } |
Exit condition: { "leaveWithMockball": { "remoteRunway": { "length": 31, "openEnd": 0 }, "landingRunway": { "length": 4, "openEnd": 1 } } } |
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door
Exit condition: { "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": { "remoteRunway": { "length": 31, "openEnd": 0 }, "landingRunway": { "length": 4, "openEnd": 1 }, "movementType": "uncontrolled" } } |
Exit condition: { "leaveSpaceJumping": { "remoteRunway": { "length": 28, "openEnd": 0 } } } |
Requires: { "canShineCharge": { "usedTiles": 31, "openEnd": 0 } } "canChainTemporaryBlue" Exit condition: { "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {} } |
Requires: "h_canCrystalFlash" |
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door
Exit condition: { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} } |
Requires: { "enemyDamage": { "enemy": "Kihunter (green)", "type": "contact", "hits": 1 } } |
From: 2
Top Right Door
To: 2
Top Right Door
Lure a Kihunter over to the right near the door. Damage it so that it falls to the ground. Freeze it while it hops, and use Morph and X-Ray to stand on top of it and clip up through the door shell. Requires: "h_canXRayMorphIceClip" Bypasses door shell: true |
From: 2
Top Right Door
To: 2
Top Right Door
Lure a Kihunter over to the right near the door. Damage it so that it falls to the ground. There is a 2 frame window at the beginning of its hop where Samus can use it to clip through the door Requires: { "notable": "Ice Clip Door Lock Skip Without Morph and X-Ray" } "h_canPreciseIceClip" Bypasses door shell: true |
From: 2
Top Right Door
To: 2
Top Right Door
Store a shinecharge with enough space remaining to run and jump over all the steps with a single jump. Requires: { "canShineCharge": { "usedTiles": 25, "openEnd": 0 } } "canShinechargeMovementComplex" { "shineChargeFrames": 110 } Exit condition: { "leaveShinecharged": {} } |
From: 2
Top Right Door
To: 2
Top Right Door
Exit condition: { "leaveWithDoorFrameBelow": { "height": 3 } } |
From: 2
Top Right Door
To: 2
Top Right Door
Exit condition: { "leaveWithPlatformBelow": { "height": 8, "leftPosition": -4.5, "rightPosition": 6 } } |
From: 2
Top Right Door
To: 2
Top Right Door
Requires: { "enemyDamage": { "enemy": "Kihunter (green)", "type": "contact", "hits": 1 } } |
From: 2
Top Right Door
To: 2
Top Right Door
Quickly jump back through the door to avoid a Kihunter hit. Entrance condition: { "comeInWithGMode": { "mode": "direct", "morphed": false }, "comesThroughToilet": "any" } Exit condition: { "leaveWithGMode": { "morphed": false } } Bypasses door shell: true |
From: 2
Top Right Door
To: 2
Top Right Door
With Spring Ball alone, quickly jump over the Kihunter and wait for it to move away, then Spring Ball Bomb Jump through the door. Alternatively, place a Power Bomb and roll to the left on entry to kill the Kihunter, then quickly IBJ through the door before more arrive. Entrance condition: { "comeInWithGMode": { "mode": "direct", "morphed": true }, "comesThroughToilet": "any" } Requires: { "or": [ "canTrickyJump", { "enemyDamage": { "enemy": "Kihunter (green)", "type": "contact", "hits": 1 } } ] } { "or": [ "h_canArtificialMorphSpringBallBombJump", { "and": [ "h_canArtificialMorphSpringBall", "HiJump" ] }, { "and": [ "h_canArtificialMorphIBJ", "h_canArtificialMorphPowerBomb" ] }, "Morph" ] } Exit condition: { "leaveWithGMode": { "morphed": true } } Bypasses door shell: true |
{ "$schema": "../../../schema/m3-room.schema.json", "id": 56, "name": "Spore Spawn Kihunter Room", "area": "Brinstar", "subarea": "Green", "roomAddress": "0x79D9C", "roomEnvironments": [ { "heated": false } ], "mapTileMask": [ [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ], "nodes": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Left Door", "nodeType": "door", "nodeSubType": "gray", "nodeAddress": "0x0018e32", "doorOrientation": "left", "doorEnvironments": [ { "physics": "air" } ], "locks": [ { "name": "Spore Spawn Kihunters Left Gray Lock (to Big Pink)", "lockType": "killEnemies", "unlockStrats": [ { "name": "Base", "requires": [], "note": "The enemies can be killed with Power Beam" } ], "yields": [ "f_ZebesAwake" ], "devNote": "This is unlocked and yielded from killing the enemies, which are free to kill" } ], "mapTileMask": [ [ 2, 2, 2, 1 ] ] }, { "id": 2, "name": "Top Right Door", "nodeType": "door", "nodeSubType": "gray", "nodeAddress": "0x0018e3e", "doorOrientation": "up", "doorEnvironments": [ { "physics": "air" } ], "locks": [ { "name": "Spore Spawn Kihunters Right Gray Lock (to Spore Spawn)", "lockType": "killEnemies", "unlockStrats": [ { "name": "Base", "requires": [], "note": "The enemies can be killed with Power Beam" } ], "yields": [ "f_ZebesAwake" ], "devNote": "This is unlocked and yielded from killing the enemies, which are free to kill" } ], "mapTileMask": [ [ 1, 1, 1, 2 ] ] } ], "enemies": [ { "id": "e1", "groupName": "Spore Spawn Kihunters", "enemyName": "Kihunter (green)", "quantity": 3, "homeNodes": [ 1, 2 ] } ], "links": [ { "from": 1, "to": [ { "id": 1 }, { "id": 2 } ] }, { "from": 2, "to": [ { "id": 1 }, { "id": 2 } ] } ], "strats": [ { "id": 1, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Leave With Runway", "requires": [ { "or": [ "canDodgeWhileShooting", "ScrewAttack", "h_hasBeamUpgrade" ] } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 4, "openEnd": 1 } }, "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 2, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Leave Shinecharged", "requires": [ { "or": [ "canDodgeWhileShooting", "ScrewAttack", "h_hasBeamUpgrade" ] }, { "canShineCharge": { "usedTiles": 25, "openEnd": 0 } }, "canShinechargeMovementComplex", { "shineChargeFrames": 105 } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveShinecharged": {} }, "flashSuitChecked": true, "note": "Store a shinecharge with enough space remaining to run and jump over all the steps with a single jump.", "devNote": "The runway is 32 tiles, but about 7 of those should be used to run after getting the shinecharge." }, { "id": 3, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Leave Spinning", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveSpinning": { "remoteRunway": { "length": 31, "openEnd": 0 } } } }, { "id": 4, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Leave With Mockball", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithMockball": { "remoteRunway": { "length": 31, "openEnd": 0 }, "landingRunway": { "length": 4, "openEnd": 1 } } } }, { "id": 5, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Leave With Spring Ball Bounce", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": { "remoteRunway": { "length": 31, "openEnd": 0 }, "landingRunway": { "length": 4, "openEnd": 1 }, "movementType": "uncontrolled" } } }, { "id": 6, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Leave Space Jumping", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveSpaceJumping": { "remoteRunway": { "length": 28, "openEnd": 0 } } } }, { "id": 7, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Leave With Temporary Blue", "requires": [ { "canShineCharge": { "usedTiles": 31, "openEnd": 0 } }, "canChainTemporaryBlue" ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {} } }, { "id": 8, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Crystal Flash", "requires": [ "h_canCrystalFlash" ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 9, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "G-Mode Setup - Get Hit By Kihunter", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} }, "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 10, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "G-Mode Regain Mobility", "requires": [ { "enemyDamage": { "enemy": "Kihunter (green)", "type": "contact", "hits": 1 } } ], "gModeRegainMobility": {}, "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 11, "link": [ 1, 2 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 12, "link": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 13, "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Kihunter Ice Clip Door Lock Skip", "requires": [ "h_canXRayMorphIceClip" ], "bypassesDoorShell": true, "flashSuitChecked": true, "note": [ "Lure a Kihunter over to the right near the door. Damage it so that it falls to the ground.", "Freeze it while it hops, and use Morph and X-Ray to stand on top of it and clip up through the door shell." ] }, { "id": 14, "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Ice Clip Door Lock Skip Without Morph and X-Ray", "requires": [ { "notable": "Ice Clip Door Lock Skip Without Morph and X-Ray" }, "h_canPreciseIceClip" ], "bypassesDoorShell": true, "flashSuitChecked": true, "note": [ "Lure a Kihunter over to the right near the door. Damage it so that it falls to the ground.", "There is a 2 frame window at the beginning of its hop where Samus can use it to clip through the door" ] }, { "id": 15, "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Leave Shinecharged", "requires": [ { "canShineCharge": { "usedTiles": 25, "openEnd": 0 } }, "canShinechargeMovementComplex", { "shineChargeFrames": 110 } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveShinecharged": {} }, "flashSuitChecked": true, "note": "Store a shinecharge with enough space remaining to run and jump over all the steps with a single jump.", "devNote": "The runway is 32 tiles, but about 7 of those should be used to run after getting the shinecharge." }, { "id": 16, "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Leave With Door Frame Below", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithDoorFrameBelow": { "height": 3 } }, "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 17, "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Leave With Platform Below", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithPlatformBelow": { "height": 8, "leftPosition": -4.5, "rightPosition": 6 } }, "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 18, "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "G-Mode Regain Mobility", "requires": [ { "enemyDamage": { "enemy": "Kihunter (green)", "type": "contact", "hits": 1 } } ], "gModeRegainMobility": {}, "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 19, "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Carry G-Mode Back Up", "entranceCondition": { "comeInWithGMode": { "mode": "direct", "morphed": false }, "comesThroughToilet": "any" }, "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithGMode": { "morphed": false } }, "bypassesDoorShell": true, "flashSuitChecked": true, "note": "Quickly jump back through the door to avoid a Kihunter hit." }, { "id": 20, "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Carry G-Mode Morph Back Up", "entranceCondition": { "comeInWithGMode": { "mode": "direct", "morphed": true }, "comesThroughToilet": "any" }, "requires": [ { "or": [ "canTrickyJump", { "enemyDamage": { "enemy": "Kihunter (green)", "type": "contact", "hits": 1 } } ] }, { "or": [ "h_canArtificialMorphSpringBallBombJump", { "and": [ "h_canArtificialMorphSpringBall", "HiJump" ] }, { "and": [ "h_canArtificialMorphIBJ", "h_canArtificialMorphPowerBomb" ] }, "Morph" ] } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithGMode": { "morphed": true } }, "bypassesDoorShell": true, "flashSuitChecked": true, "note": [ "With Spring Ball alone, quickly jump over the Kihunter and wait for it to move away, then Spring Ball Bomb Jump through the door.", "Alternatively, place a Power Bomb and roll to the left on entry to kill the Kihunter, then quickly IBJ through the door before more arrive." ], "devNote": "It is possible to do this with Bombs alone, but it is pretty chaotic." }, { "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Base (Unlock Door)", "requires": [], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "ammo" ], "requires": [] } ] }, { "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Base (Come In Normally)", "entranceCondition": { "comeInNormally": {} }, "requires": [] }, { "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Base (Unlock Door)", "requires": [], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "ammo" ], "requires": [] } ] }, { "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Base (Come In Normally)", "entranceCondition": { "comeInNormally": {} }, "requires": [] } ], "notables": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Ice Clip Door Lock Skip Without Morph and X-Ray", "note": [ "Lure a Kihunter over to the right near the door. Damage it so that it falls to the ground.", "There is a 2 frame window at the beginning of its hop where Samus can use it to clip through the door" ] } ], "nextStratId": 21, "nextNotableId": 2 }