Green Hill Zone: Grapple Teleport into Grapple Jump (from Red Brinstar Firefleas)

Room ID: 54

From: 3
Bottom Right Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

After teleporting, swing back and forth to fix the camera. Swing to the right by soft-bouncing against the door followed by fully extending the Grapple Beam. Release grapple low, but not too low, to get enough momentum while also leaving enough space to gain more height with a grapple jump to reach the ledge. Holding jump just before releasing Grapple may help prevent losing momentum.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": {
    "blockPositions": [


  "notable": "Grapple Teleport into Grapple Jump (from Red Brinstar Firefleas)"