Room ID: 34
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door
Enter the room while building a shinespark and use it on the lowest part of the ramp to diagonally spark up and out of the water. Use very low jump height space jumps to carry momentum to the far side of the submerged ramp. Freeze the first Choot from the middle platform. Either SpaceJump just right so as to pass above the second Choot, or freeze it as it touches Samus to pass through without losing speed. Then shinespark up and use SpaceJump to reach the door. Entrance condition: { "comeInShinecharging": { "length": 6, "openEnd": 1, "steepDownTiles": 1 } } Requires: { "notable": "Shinespark Water Escape With Lower Choot Alive" } "Ice" "Wave" "Spazer" "canDodgeWhileShooting" { "shinespark": { "frames": 14, "excessFrames": 5 } } "canShinechargeMovementComplex" "canMidairShinespark" "SpaceJump" "canTrickyJump" |