Room ID: 151
From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 4
Enter with a shinecharge, and use Screw Attack to break the bomb blocks and descend quickly. Reach the item while still having a shinecharge. Doing a moonfall can save a few frames. Entrance condition: { "comeInShinecharged": {} } Requires: { "shineChargeFrames": 140 } "canShinechargeMovementTricky" "ScrewAttack" { "heatFrames": 140 } { "or": [ "canMoonfall", { "and": [ { "heatFrames": 5 }, { "shineChargeFrames": 5 } ] } ] } Clears obstacles: A, B Unlocks doors: {"types":["super"],"requires":[]} {"types":["missiles","powerbomb"],"requires":["never"]} |