canWallJumpBombBoost (Expert)

The ability to accurately place a bomb or Power Bomb in mid-air following a wall jump, then using that bomb explosion to propel Samus forward. There is a timing component where the bomb is placed while rising then hit while falling, and a momentum component for maximizing horizontal distance.

Dependencies: canWallJumpInstantMorph, canTrivialMidAirMorph, canMidAirMorph

Difficulty filter

Strats ()

From: 3
Right Door, In the Water
To: 1
Left Door


From: 7
Junction (Bottom of Room)
To: 6
Junction (Above Bottom Rippers)

Starting on the right ledge at the bottom of Red Tower, wall jump just below the middle plant, just above the top ripper. Place two bombs out of the wall jump landing on the first bomb and getting boosted by both. While rising, place two more bombs for a second HBJ. Colliding with the side of the ledge after the third bomb can help.


  "notable": "Midair HBJ"
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door


From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 4
Junction Above Bomb Blocks

Ignore the Yellow Pirates by walljumping up the left side to start a diagonal bomb jump from the wall, including a power bomb to clear the bomb blocks. Two quick walljumps upon entering the room can position Samus to get the left pirate to jump to the right and jump over the right pirate's lazer attack. Jump up the left wall and begin bomb jumping starting with a power bomb.


  "notable": "Power Bomb Diagonal Bomb Jump"
  "heatFrames": 930
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "resourceCapacity": [
          "type": "RegularEnergy",
          "count": 149

Clears obstacles: A

From: 5
Top Left Junction
To: 2
Top Item

Starting from the top left ledge, wall jump to place a bomb or Power Bomb just below and to the right of the bottom left plant on the wall. Use the bomb to boost Samus towards the item, then unmorph to reduce her fall speed and barely reach the item.

