canSuperJump (Ignored)

Ability to Shinespark while in XMode in a controlled way. A side effect of Super Jumping is that Samus gains a Blue Suit.

Dependencies: canXMode

Difficulty filter

Strats ()

From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 6
Top Junction with Temporary Blue (Right of Morph Tunnel)

Use X-Mode to store a spikesuit, and then convert that to a blue suit with more X-Mode.


  "notable": "In-Room X-Mode BlueSuit"
  "spikeHits": 3
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 5
  "spikeHits": 2
  "or": [
      "spikeHits": 1
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 6
Top Junction with Temporary Blue (Right of Morph Tunnel)

Enter with a shinespark ready, activate XMode by bouncing into the spikes, then activate the shinespark but release XMode during the shinespark windup animation.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 4,
    "openEnd": 1


  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 7,
    "excessFrames": 0
  "spikeHits": 3
  "or": [
      "spikeHits": 3