Lower Norfair Farming Room: Leave With Runway - Frozen Zebbo

Room ID: 141

From: 3
Left Farm Junction
To: 1
Left Door

The Zebbo needs to be 2 pixels higher than where it would be if Samus was standing. One setup is to peform a tiny hop just before the right Zebbo starts moving to the left then freeze it after it starts moving left. Lure the Zebbo to the left and freeze it again to extend the runway while maintaining a half-tile gap between it and the runway to extend the runway as much as possible. With more Energy, it is possible to morph on one of the medium-height pillars to align the Zebbo.


  "heatFrames": 1000

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 6,
    "openEnd": 0