Warehouse Zeela Room: Ice Moonfall Screw Attack Clip

Room ID: 79

From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 3
Right Vertical Door

Freeze two Zeelas, one on the left wall below the top door platform, and one on the right wall between 1 and 2 tiles lower, both moving downward; Kill the third Zeela. Go to the bottom of the room, unequip ice to thaw the Zeelas, synchronizing their movement. Freeze the right Zeela after it turns past the single-tile ledge, with its top level with or slightly above the ledge; then freeze the left Zeela just before it turns the corner above. Quickly moonfall between them, and shoot the bottom Zeela (or slide past its edge) just before it thaws. If successful, Samus will clip down through two tiles and end up crouching. Press forward to stand, then perform another moonfall to clip down further, breaking the bomb block with Screw Attack. Unmorph and morph once or twice if needed to get unstuck from the floor.


  "notable": "Ice Moonfall"

Clears obstacles: A