Room ID: 63
Requires: { "refill": [ "Energy", "Missile", "Super" ] } |
Exit condition: { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 10, "steepUpTiles": 2, "openEnd": 0 } } |
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door
Exit condition: { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} } |
Entrance condition: { "comeInWithDoorStuckSetup": {} } Requires: "canXRayClimb" "canBeVeryPatient" |
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door
Enter with G-mode direct, back up to between 1 and 6 pixels from the door transition, and activate X-ray to get very deep stuck in the door. Climb up 8 screens, and perform a turnaround buffered spin-jump away from the door to trigger the transition, bypassing any lock on the door. Entrance condition: { "comeInWithGMode": { "mode": "direct", "morphed": false } } Requires: "canXRayClimb" "canBeVeryPatient" Bypasses door shell: true |
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door
Climb the shaft and overload PLMs with the camera scroll blocks which are against the crumble blocks. Entrance condition: { "comeInWithGMode": { "mode": "any", "morphed": false } } Requires: { "or": [ "canConsecutiveWalljump", "SpaceJump" ] } |
Entrance condition: { "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 12, 12 ], [ 12, 13 ] ] } } |
Exit condition: { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 17, "openEnd": 1 } } |
Requires: "h_canCrystalFlash" |
{ "$schema": "../../../schema/m3-room.schema.json", "id": 63, "name": "Spore Spawn Super Room", "area": "Brinstar", "subarea": "Pink", "roomAddress": "0x79B5B", "roomEnvironments": [ { "heated": false } ], "nodes": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Top Left Door", "nodeType": "door", "nodeSubType": "blue", "nodeAddress": "0x0018d2a", "doorOrientation": "left", "doorEnvironments": [ { "physics": "air" } ] }, { "id": 2, "name": "Bottom Left Door", "nodeType": "door", "nodeSubType": "blue", "nodeAddress": "0x0018d1e", "doorOrientation": "left", "doorEnvironments": [ { "physics": "air" } ] }, { "id": 3, "name": "Item", "nodeType": "item", "nodeSubType": "chozo", "nodeItem": "Super", "nodeAddress": "0x784E4", "locks": [ { "name": "Dummy Item Lock", "lockType": "gameFlag", "unlockStrats": [ { "name": "Base (Collect Item)", "notable": false, "requires": [] } ] } ] } ], "enemies": [ { "id": "e1", "groupName": "Spore Spawn Supers Zeb", "enemyName": "Zeb", "quantity": 1, "homeNodes": [ 1 ] } ], "links": [ { "from": 1, "to": [ { "id": 1, "devNote": "FIXME: Moondance can be setup on the slope by freezing a new bug whenever the freeze effect expires." }, { "id": 3 } ] }, { "from": 2, "to": [ { "id": 1 }, { "id": 2 }, { "id": 3 } ] }, { "from": 3, "to": [ { "id": 2 } ] } ], "strats": [ { "id": 1, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Zeb Farm", "requires": [ { "refill": [ "Energy", "Missile", "Super" ] } ] }, { "id": 2, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Leave With Runway", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 10, "steepUpTiles": 2, "openEnd": 0 } } }, { "id": 3, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "G-Mode Setup - Get Hit By Zeb", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} }, "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 4, "link": [ 1, 3 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [] }, { "id": 5, "link": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "X-Ray Climb", "entranceCondition": { "comeInWithDoorStuckSetup": {} }, "requires": [ "canXRayClimb", "canBeVeryPatient" ], "flashSuitChecked": true, "note": "Climb up 8 screens." }, { "id": 6, "link": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "Very Deep Stuck X-Ray Climb", "entranceCondition": { "comeInWithGMode": { "mode": "direct", "morphed": false } }, "requires": [ "canXRayClimb", "canBeVeryPatient" ], "bypassesDoorShell": true, "flashSuitChecked": true, "note": [ "Enter with G-mode direct, back up to between 1 and 6 pixels from the door transition, and activate X-ray to get very deep stuck in the door.", "Climb up 8 screens, and perform a turnaround buffered spin-jump away from the door to trigger the transition, bypassing any lock on the door." ] }, { "id": 7, "link": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "G-Mode Overload PLMS with Camera Scroll Blocks", "entranceCondition": { "comeInWithGMode": { "mode": "any", "morphed": false } }, "requires": [ { "or": [ "canConsecutiveWalljump", "SpaceJump" ] } ], "flashSuitChecked": true, "note": "Climb the shaft and overload PLMs with the camera scroll blocks which are against the crumble blocks.", "devNote": [ "This is mostly an alternative to the canBeVeryPatient X-Ray climb.", "This is possible with an IBJ, but it's still about 3 minutes, and you can't remotely acquire the item because it's in a Chozo Ball." ] }, { "id": 8, "link": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "Grapple Teleport", "entranceCondition": { "comeInWithGrappleTeleport": { "blockPositions": [ [ 12, 12 ], [ 12, 13 ] ] } }, "requires": [] }, { "id": 9, "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Leave With Runway", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 17, "openEnd": 1 } } }, { "id": 10, "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Crystal Flash", "requires": [ "h_canCrystalFlash" ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 11, "link": [ 2, 3 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [] }, { "id": 12, "link": [ 3, 2 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [] }, { "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Base (Unlock Door)", "requires": [], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "ammo" ], "requires": [] } ] }, { "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Base (Come In Normally)", "entranceCondition": { "comeInNormally": {} }, "requires": [] }, { "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Base (Unlock Door)", "requires": [], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "ammo" ], "requires": [] } ] }, { "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Base (Come In Normally)", "entranceCondition": { "comeInNormally": {} }, "requires": [] }, { "name": "Base (Collect Item)", "notable": false, "requires": [], "link": [ 3, 3 ], "collectsItems": [ 3 ] } ], "nextStratId": 13, "notables": [], "nextNotableId": 1 }