Big Pink: Zeb Ice Clip

Room ID: 59

From: 13
Central Junction
To: 5
Left Side - Bottom Middle Door (Blocked by Crumble Blocks)

Raise a Zeb to be just below the crumble blocks and blindly freeze it to set up an ice clip to reach the Power Bomb room exit door. Get a bug from the pipe to spawn facing left and freeze it while moving to the ledge below the Hopper room door. While crouched, a spazer or wave beam shot will shoot through the floor in front of Samus. The bug must be frozen at a height between where Samus is crouched and where she is standing. Once frozen, somehow track how long until the freeze effect expires, and when the bug will reach the crumble blocks. If the bug is off camera when not frozen, it will despawn. Refreeze the Zeb below the crumble blocks and ice clip up to reach the door.


  "notable": "Zeb Ice Clip"
  "or": [