Metroid Room 1: Rinka Damage Boost (Right to Left)

Room ID: 226

From: 4
Junction (Get Past Metroids, Right to Left)
To: 1
Left Door

Aim the ceiling Rinka to travel horizontally across the top of the room and use it to damage boost between the two floating platforms. Killing the lower Rinka shortly before killing the higher Rinka will synchronize their respawn timers so that Samus can jump when the lower Rinka reappears in order to get a good angle on the higher Rinka. Jump to the floating platform ahead of the high Rinka, jumping extra high to lead the Metroid out of the way if it is alive. Jump into the Rinka once it reaches the left edge of the platform to reach the next platform. Then use I-frames to pass through the Metroid if it is still alive.


  "notable": "Rinka Damage Boost"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Rinka",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Rinka",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 16
      "acidFrames": 27