Aqueduct: Snail Stuck Moonfall

Room ID: 183

From: 9
Junction Below Top Door
To: 1
Middle Left Door

Use two snails to perform an 'Enemy Stuck Moonfall' to bypass the bomb blocks above the middle left door of Aqueduct. Position one snail on the above door shell, and the second above the corner of pipe below Samus will clip through the lower snail, taking damage, then continue through a segment of pipe where the crumble blocks can be reached. Facing both snails during the moonfall while positioning Samus for the clip can be precise Depending on the exact heights of the snails, it may be necessary to pose change while clipping.


  "notable": "Snail Stuck Moonfall"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Yard",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1