Aqueduct: Suitless Blue Bomber (HiJump, Come in With Spring Ball Bounce)

Room ID: 183

From: 5
Right Door
To: 7
Top Right Left Item

Bounce onto the platform below the Speed blocks. Unmorph and continue holding up in order to break the Speed blocks while passing up through them. The top Speed blocks will respawn; to get on top of them, it can help to press against the wall (to discard blue speed) and then aim down to reduce Samus' hitbox. If available, using Grapple while aiming down can also help. Alternatively, if Samus breaks only the right column of Speed blocks, Samus can use the center left Speed block as a stepping stone. Be careful not to fall through the Speed blocks below as it will result in a softlock.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithBlueSpringBallBounce": {
    "movementType": "controlled",
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$3.4",
    "maxExtraRunSpeed": "$4.C"


  "notable": "Suitless Blue Bomber"