Mt. Everest: Spring Ball Bounce (Come in With Spring Ball Bounce, Multiple Spring Fling)

Room ID: 174

From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 11
Upper Left Ledge Junction

Enter the room morphed, either in a mockball on the ground or descending from a controlled bounce, with about 1 tile worth of speed (at least $0.9 extra run speed). Use Spring Ball to jump or do a controlled bounce after the transition. While descending and before bouncing on the first Grapple platform, perform two spring flings by pausing and unequipping Spring Ball, then pausing again and re-equipping it. Afterward, perform additional spring flings as needed to make it across the room, taking care to avoid the Powamp. Note that Samus must be fully morphed when entering the room (not in the middle of a morphing animation), or the spring flings will not work, assuming Speed Booster is not equipped.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "remoteAndLandingMinTiles": [
    "adjacentMinTiles": 4,
    "movementType": "controlled"


  "notable": "Spring Ball Bounce Right to Left"