Mt. Everest: Spring Ball Bounce Left to Right

Room ID: 174

From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

In the other room, use 6 runway tiles to gain an extra run speed of exactly $1.D, with Speed Booster unequipped. Jump into a lateral mid-air morph and touch the door transition while descending close to the ground. Hold jump to do an uncontrolled bounce immediately after the transition. Pause as Samus passes under the first ceiling Grapple block. Equip Speed Booster and unequip Spring Ball, to get a spring fling. Pause again and re-equip Spring Ball to get a second spring fling. Continue holding jump to bounce on both Grapple platforms with uncontrolled bounces; Samus must bounce on the left edge of the first platform in order to just barely make the bounce on the right edge of the second platform. Perform one more spring fling, by unequipping Spring Ball as Samus begins to descend. Samus should make it into the nook below the right door; A Flatley jump into mid-air spring ball jump will get Samus up to the door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInSpinning": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "unusableTiles": 3,
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$1.D",
    "maxExtraRunSpeed": "$1.D"


  "notable": "Spring Ball Bounce Left to Right"