Main Street: Mid Crab Climb with Only Ice and Supers

Room ID: 172

From: 3
Middle Right Door
To: 9
Junction Below Speed Blocks

Use the slow global crab and Skulteras to get up. The last part, just below the item is the hardest. Wait for the global crab to be on vertical portion the ledge jutting out on the right or left - any other locations and it will fall on a platform and get stuck. Shoot a super and freeze it mid air. Using the frozen crab on the platform, the mid air crab, and the fish, jump up to the solid ground. Freeze the Skultera at the left, near its minimum and jump to it, then the solid ground. Note that the fish will be pushed down slightly over time because of the sloped tiles, but it will be at its minimum by the time the global crab has arrived.


  "notable": "Crab Climb with Only Ice and Supers"
  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 1