Wrecked Ship East Super Room

Room ID: 163

Difficulty filter

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 5.5,
    "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 20,
    "openEnd": 2
  "shineChargeFrames": 85

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

The effective runway length is shortened due to the conveyor moving in the same direction as Samus. If needing the highest possible speed, run on the conveyor furthest from the door.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 8,
      "openEnd": 0
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

If needing the highest possible speed, run on the conveyor furthest from the door.


  "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 11,
      "openEnd": 2
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Run on the conveyor closest to the door; its effective length is shortened due to moving in the same direction as Samus.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 8,
      "openEnd": 0
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 11,
      "openEnd": 2
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Run on the conveyor closest to the door; its effective length is shortened due to moving in the same direction as Samus.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 8,
      "openEnd": 0
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"


  "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 11,
      "openEnd": 2
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

The effective runway length is shortened due to the conveyor moving in the same direction as Samus. If needing the highest possible speed, use the conveyor furthest from the door.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 8,
      "openEnd": 0
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 11,
      "openEnd": 2
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Shortcharge by running right on the conveyor closest to the door, gain blue speed, and jump onto the platform to the right with temporary blue. Then use X-ray to turn and ride the conveyor back to the left and reach the door.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 20,
    "openEnd": 2

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"
  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 14,
    "openEnd": 0

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door


From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Covern",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Bull",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithRMode": {}

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

It is possible to kill the trapped Atomics with any beam upgrade besides charge. Kill the atomics while waiting for the Coverns to respawn.


  "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"
  "or": [
  "resetRoom": {
    "nodes": [
  "refill": [

Resets obstacles: A

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Item (Behind the Bomb Wall)

By normal means, the path can't be passed unless the Workrobot is activated (so Phantoon dead)


  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Item (Behind the Bomb Wall)

Run on the conveyor to build Speed for breaking the bomb block. Push the right side Worker Robot onto the conveyor Jump low into the wall so Samus' head touches the block. Speed can be used to clear the Bulls.


  "or": [
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Bull",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 18,
    "openEnd": 1
  "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Item (Behind the Bomb Wall)

Kago through the Workrobot by jumping, pressing down, then morphing and moving right just before hitting the robot. The bomb blocks can be broken with a bomb, Power Bomb, or using Screw Attack. If using bombs, be careful when breaking the bottom bomb block - if morphed, you will be pushed into it and stuck. To do this, place a bomb at the bottom, then a bomb at the peak boost height and unmorph before landing. Alternatively use a short jump morph. If the morph tunnel is open, kagoing through the robot will force Samus into it.


From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Item (Behind the Bomb Wall)

Kago into the worker robot and start running away from the wall until the bomb blocks are broken with SpeedBooster. The short charge taps are extremely precise because gaining too much run speed and Samus will exit the robot.


  "notable": "Robot Clip Run-In-Place"
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 15,
    "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Item (Behind the Bomb Wall)

Kago into the worker robot and shinespark into the wall in order to break the bomb block. Either spark diagonally against the wall or horizontally while not crouched.


  "useFlashSuit": {}
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 1,
    "excessFrames": 1
From: 2
Item (Behind the Bomb Wall)
To: 1
Left Door

By normal means, the path can't be passed unless the Workrobot is activated (so Phantoon dead)


  "or": [
From: 2
Item (Behind the Bomb Wall)
To: 1
Left Door

Crystal flash to force a standup then spin jump up then morph to bypass the dead robot. Use Coverns to damage down if necessary. Note that if the Covern spawns on Samus while crystal flashing, it will deal large amounts of damage. To avoid this, it is recommended to kill the Covern and leave its drop, then quickly get in the morph tunnel and CF.


  "notable": "Crystal Flash Clip"
  "or": [
From: 2
Item (Behind the Bomb Wall)
To: 1
Left Door

In R-Mode, kill the Coverns until there is Energy in Samus's Reserves. Get into the Morph tunnel and go to the far left. Wait for Coverns to damage Samus down until Reserves trigger, forcing a stand up and enabling her to escape. Note that it is required to break the bomb block above the Morph tunnel as well, in order to clip out.


  "notable": "R-Mode Standup Clip"
  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
  "or": [

  "$schema": "../../../schema/m3-room.schema.json",
  "id": 163,
  "name": "Wrecked Ship East Super Room",
  "area": "Wrecked Ship",
  "subarea": "Main",
  "roomAddress": "0x7CDF1",
  "roomEnvironments": [
      "heated": false
  "mapTileMask": [
  "nodes": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Left Door",
      "nodeType": "door",
      "nodeSubType": "blue",
      "nodeAddress": "0x001a2f4",
      "doorOrientation": "left",
      "doorEnvironments": [
          "physics": "air"
      "mapTileMask": [
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Item (Behind the Bomb Wall)",
      "nodeType": "item",
      "nodeSubType": "visible",
      "nodeItem": "Super",
      "nodeAddress": "0x7C365",
      "locks": [
          "name": "Wrecked Ship Right Super Spawn Lock",
          "lockType": "gameFlag",
          "unlockStrats": [
              "name": "Base",
              "requires": [
                  "or": [
              "note": "The item doesn't spawn until Phantoon is defeated."
      "mapTileMask": [
  "obstacles": [
      "id": "A",
      "name": "R-Mode",
      "obstacleType": "abstract",
      "note": "Samus is in R-Mode."
  "enemies": [
      "id": "e1",
      "groupName": "Wrecked Ship East Supers Covern",
      "enemyName": "Covern",
      "quantity": 1,
      "homeNodes": [
      "stopSpawn": [
      "id": "e2",
      "groupName": "Wrecked Ship East Supers Bulls",
      "enemyName": "Bull",
      "quantity": 2,
      "homeNodes": [
      "spawn": [
      "id": "e3",
      "groupName": "Wrecked Ship East Supers Workrobots",
      "enemyName": "Workrobot",
      "quantity": 2,
      "homeNodes": [
      "spawn": [
      "id": "e4",
      "groupName": "Wrecked Ship East Supers Trapped Atomics",
      "enemyName": "Trapped Atomic",
      "quantity": 4,
      "homeNodes": [
      "stopSpawn": [
  "links": [
      "from": 1,
      "to": [
          "id": 1
          "id": 2
      "from": 2,
      "to": [
          "id": 1
  "strats": [
      "id": 1,
      "link": [
      "name": "Leave with Runway",
      "requires": [],
      "exitCondition": {
        "leaveWithRunway": {
          "length": 5.5,
          "openEnd": 1
      "devNote": [
        "Note that this room has a half-width runway tile.",
        "It is possible to extend this runway with a Covern with canRiskPermanentLossOfAccess, but it is very difficult to position the Covern.",
        "The Covern can easily be positioned 2 pixels above the runway with Morph, but that can't be used to extend short shinecharge strats."
      "id": 2,
      "link": [
      "name": "Leave Shinecharged, Conveyor Run",
      "requires": [
          "enemyKill": {
            "enemies": [
          "canShineCharge": {
            "usedTiles": 20,
            "openEnd": 2
          "shineChargeFrames": 85
      "exitCondition": {
        "leaveShinecharged": {}
      "flashSuitChecked": true
      "id": 3,
      "link": [
      "name": "Leave Spinning",
      "requires": [
          "enemyKill": {
            "enemies": [
      "exitCondition": {
        "leaveSpinning": {
          "remoteRunway": {
            "length": 8,
            "openEnd": 0
      "note": [
        "The effective runway length is shortened due to the conveyor moving in the same direction as Samus.",
        "If needing the highest possible speed, run on the conveyor furthest from the door."
      "id": 4,
      "link": [
      "name": "Leave Spinning (Power Off)",
      "requires": [
          "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"
      "exitCondition": {
        "leaveSpinning": {
          "remoteRunway": {
            "length": 11,
            "openEnd": 2
      "note": [
        "If needing the highest possible speed, run on the conveyor furthest from the door."
      "id": 5,
      "link": [
      "name": "Leave With Mockball",
      "requires": [
          "enemyKill": {
            "enemies": [
      "exitCondition": {
        "leaveWithMockball": {
          "remoteRunway": {
            "length": 8,
            "openEnd": 0
          "landingRunway": {
            "length": 3,
            "openEnd": 1
      "note": "Run on the conveyor closest to the door; its effective length is shortened due to moving in the same direction as Samus."
      "id": 6,
      "link": [
      "name": "Leave With Mockball (Power Off)",
      "requires": [
          "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"
      "exitCondition": {
        "leaveWithMockball": {
          "remoteRunway": {
            "length": 11,
            "openEnd": 2
          "landingRunway": {
            "length": 3,
            "openEnd": 1
      "id": 7,
      "link": [
      "name": "Leave With Spring Ball Bounce",
      "requires": [
          "enemyKill": {
            "enemies": [
      "exitCondition": {
        "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
          "remoteRunway": {
            "length": 8,
            "openEnd": 0
          "landingRunway": {
            "length": 3,
            "openEnd": 1
          "movementType": "uncontrolled"
      "note": "Run on the conveyor closest to the door; its effective length is shortened due to moving in the same direction as Samus."
      "id": 8,
      "link": [
      "name": "Leave With Spring Ball Bounce (Power Off)",
      "requires": [
          "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"
      "exitCondition": {
        "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
          "remoteRunway": {
            "length": 11,
            "openEnd": 2
          "landingRunway": {
            "length": 3,
            "openEnd": 1
          "movementType": "uncontrolled"
      "id": 9,
      "link": [
      "name": "Leave Space Jumping",
      "requires": [
          "enemyKill": {
            "enemies": [
      "exitCondition": {
        "leaveSpaceJumping": {
          "remoteRunway": {
            "length": 8,
            "openEnd": 0
      "note": [
        "The effective runway length is shortened due to the conveyor moving in the same direction as Samus.",
        "If needing the highest possible speed, use the conveyor furthest from the door."
      "id": 10,
      "link": [
      "name": "Leave Space Jumping (Power Off)",
      "requires": [
          "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"
      "exitCondition": {
        "leaveSpaceJumping": {
          "remoteRunway": {
            "length": 11,
            "openEnd": 2
      "id": 11,
      "link": [
      "name": "Leave With Temporary Blue (Power On)",
      "requires": [
          "enemyKill": {
            "enemies": [
          "getBlueSpeed": {
            "usedTiles": 20,
            "openEnd": 2
      "exitCondition": {
        "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}
      "note": [
        "Shortcharge by running right on the conveyor closest to the door, gain blue speed, and jump onto the platform to the right with temporary blue.",
        "Then use X-ray to turn and ride the conveyor back to the left and reach the door."
      "id": 12,
      "link": [
      "name": "Leave With Temporary Blue (Power Off)",
      "requires": [
          "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"
          "canShineCharge": {
            "usedTiles": 14,
            "openEnd": 0
      "exitCondition": {
        "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}
      "id": 13,
      "link": [
      "name": "Crystal Flash",
      "requires": [
      "flashSuitChecked": true,
      "devNote": "The Bull and Workrobot projectiles aren't a problem."
      "id": 14,
      "link": [
      "name": "G-Mode Setup - Get Hit By Covern or Bull",
      "requires": [],
      "exitCondition": {
        "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
      "flashSuitChecked": true
      "id": 15,
      "link": [
      "name": "G-Mode Regain Mobility",
      "requires": [
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Covern",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1
              "and": [
                  "enemyDamage": {
                    "enemy": "Bull",
                    "type": "contact",
                    "hits": 1
      "gModeRegainMobility": {},
      "flashSuitChecked": true,
      "devNote": "The Covern will do more damage than the Bull, so there is no canRiskPermanentLossOfAccess."
      "id": 16,
      "link": [
      "name": "Come in in R-Mode",
      "entranceCondition": {
        "comeInWithRMode": {}
      "requires": [],
      "clearsObstacles": [
      "flashSuitChecked": true
      "id": 17,
      "link": [
      "name": "Coverns and Atomics Farm (Power Off)",
      "requires": [
          "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"
          "or": [
          "resetRoom": {
            "nodes": [
          "refill": [
      "resetsObstacles": [
      "note": [
        "It is possible to kill the trapped Atomics with any beam upgrade besides charge.",
        "Kill the atomics while waiting for the Coverns to respawn."
      "devNote": [
        "Killing the Coverns with any of these options can be done on a single cycle. Screw Attack can kill the Coverns quickly, but can't kill the Atomics.",
        "FIXME: Should this require another tech? canRiskPermanentLossOfAccess is a pretty high-level requirement."
      "id": 18,
      "link": [
      "name": "Base",
      "requires": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
      "note": "By normal means, the path can't be passed unless the Workrobot is activated (so Phantoon dead)"
      "id": 19,
      "link": [
      "name": "Blue Speed Jump",
      "requires": [
          "or": [
              "enemyKill": {
                "enemies": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Bull",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1
          "getBlueSpeed": {
            "usedTiles": 18,
            "openEnd": 1
          "or": [
      "note": [
        "Run on the conveyor to build Speed for breaking the bomb block.",
        "Push the right side Worker Robot onto the conveyor",
        "Jump low into the wall so Samus' head touches the block.",
        "Speed can be used to clear the Bulls."
      "devNote": "Spacejumping from left conveyor feels a little harder."
      "id": 20,
      "link": [
      "name": "Robot Clip (Left to Right)",
      "requires": [
      "note": [
        "Kago through the Workrobot by jumping, pressing down, then morphing and moving right just before hitting the robot.",
        "The bomb blocks can be broken with a bomb, Power Bomb, or using Screw Attack.",
        "If using bombs, be careful when breaking the bottom bomb block - if morphed, you will be pushed into it and stuck.",
        "To do this, place a bomb at the bottom, then a bomb at the peak boost height and unmorph before landing. Alternatively use a short jump morph.",
        "If the morph tunnel is open, kagoing through the robot will force Samus into it."
      "devNote": [
        "If Phantoon is alive, 'Base' can be used instead.",
        "Note that this strat is useless in vanilla, as the item only spawns if Phantoon has been killed."
      "id": 21,
      "link": [
      "name": "Robot Clip Run-In-Place",
      "requires": [
          "notable": "Robot Clip Run-In-Place"
          "getBlueSpeed": {
            "usedTiles": 15,
            "openEnd": 1
      "note": [
        "Kago into the worker robot and start running away from the wall until the bomb blocks are broken with SpeedBooster.",
        "The short charge taps are extremely precise because gaining too much run speed and Samus will exit the robot."
      "devNote": [
        "If Phantoon is dead, 'Blue Speed Jump' can be used instead.",
        "Note that this strat is useless in vanilla, as the item only spawns if Phantoon has been killed."
      "id": 22,
      "link": [
      "name": "Robot Clip, Use Flash Suit",
      "requires": [
          "useFlashSuit": {}
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 1,
            "excessFrames": 1
      "note": [
        "Kago into the worker robot and shinespark into the wall in order to break the bomb block.",
        "Either spark diagonally against the wall or horizontally while not crouched."
      "devNote": "Note that this strat is useless in vanilla, as the item only spawns if Phantoon has been killed."
      "id": 23,
      "link": [
      "name": "Base",
      "requires": [
          "or": [
      "note": "By normal means, the path can't be passed unless the Workrobot is activated (so Phantoon dead)",
      "devNote": "This doesn't require breaking the bomb blocks on the premise that you can't get here without breaking them."
      "id": 24,
      "link": [
      "name": "Crystal Flash Clip",
      "requires": [
          "notable": "Crystal Flash Clip"
          "or": [
      "flashSuitChecked": true,
      "note": [
        "Crystal flash to force a standup then spin jump up then morph to bypass the dead robot. Use Coverns to damage down if necessary.",
        "Note that if the Covern spawns on Samus while crystal flashing, it will deal large amounts of damage.",
        "To avoid this, it is recommended to kill the Covern and leave its drop, then quickly get in the morph tunnel and CF."
      "devNote": [
        "If Phantoon is alive, 'Base' can be used instead.",
        "Note that this strat is useless in vanilla, as the item only spawns if Phantoon has been killed."
      "id": 25,
      "link": [
      "name": "R-Mode Standup Clip",
      "requires": [
          "notable": "R-Mode Standup Clip"
          "obstaclesCleared": [
          "or": [
          "or": [
      "note": [
        "In R-Mode, kill the Coverns until there is Energy in Samus's Reserves. Get into the Morph tunnel and go to the far left.",
        "Wait for Coverns to damage Samus down until Reserves trigger, forcing a stand up and enabling her to escape.",
        "Note that it is required to break the bomb block above the Morph tunnel as well, in order to clip out."
      "devNote": [
        "If Phantoon is alive, 'Base' can be used instead.",
        "Note that this strat is useless in vanilla, as the item only spawns if Phantoon has been killed."
      "link": [
      "name": "Base (Unlock Door)",
      "requires": [],
      "unlocksDoors": [
          "types": [
          "requires": []
      "link": [
      "name": "Base (Come In Normally)",
      "entranceCondition": {
        "comeInNormally": {}
      "requires": []
      "name": "Base",
      "requires": [
          "or": [
      "note": "The item doesn't spawn until Phantoon is defeated.",
      "link": [
      "collectsItems": [
  "notables": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Robot Clip Run-In-Place",
      "note": [
        "Kago into the worker robot and start running away from the wall until the bomb blocks are broken with SpeedBooster.",
        "The short charge taps are extremely precise because gaining too much run speed and Samus will exit the robot."
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Crystal Flash Clip",
      "note": [
        "Crystal flash to force a standup then spin jump up then morph to bypass the dead robot. Use Coverns to damage down if necessary.",
        "Note that if the Covern spawns on Samus while crystal flashing, it will deal large amounts of damage.",
        "To avoid this, it is recommended to kill the Covern and leave its drop, then quickly get in the morph tunnel and CF."
      "id": 3,
      "name": "R-Mode Standup Clip",
      "note": [
        "In R-Mode, kill the Coverns until there is Energy in Samus's Reserves. Get into the Morph tunnel and go to the far left.",
        "Wait for Coverns to damage Samus down until Reserves trigger, forcing a stand up and enabling her to escape.",
        "Note that it is required to break the bomb block above the Morph tunnel as well, in order to clip out."
  "nextStratId": 26,
  "nextNotableId": 4