Amphitheatre: Reverse Thread the Needle (Charge Plasma)

Room ID: 136

From: 2
Right Door
To: 5
Below Left Door Junction

Begin running from the top of the second slope and jump at the bottom of the third slope, bonking the large stalagtite in the ceiling. Kill the first pirate with Screw Attack (or ahead of time with Charge+Plasma), and pass through the second pirate using a charged plasma shot. Enter the acid while aiming down to shrink Samus' hitbox. This strat works with all combinations of movement items and suits.


  "notable": "Reverse Acid Dive"
  "notable": "Reverse Thread the Needle"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 210
  "heatFrames": 330
  "acidFrames": 210