Crystal flash to force a standup then spin jump up then morph to bypass the dead robot. Use Coverns to damage down if necessary. Note that if the Covern spawns on Samus while crystal flashing, it will deal large amounts of damage. To avoid this, it is recommended to kill the Covern and leave its drop, then quickly get in the morph tunnel and CF.
From: 2
Item (Behind the Bomb Wall)
To: 1
Left Door
Crystal flash to force a standup then spin jump up then morph to bypass the dead robot. Use Coverns to damage down if necessary. Note that if the Covern spawns on Samus while crystal flashing, it will deal large amounts of damage. To avoid this, it is recommended to kill the Covern and leave its drop, then quickly get in the morph tunnel and CF. Requires: { "notable": "Crystal Flash Clip" } { "or": [ "canTrivialMidAirMorph", "h_canUseSpringBall", "h_canBombThings" ] } "h_canCrystalFlash" "canCeilingClip" |