Big Pink: Speedball into Raised Bomb Blocks (Expert)

Break the "Spore Spawn Skip" bomb blocks (from the left) using only speed. Either by jump morphing into them, or by falling and bouncing through them with Temporary Blue.

Difficulty filter

Strats ()

From: 13
Central Junction
To: 7
Right Side - Bottom Middle Door (Behind the Super Block)

Break the bomb blocks by jumping into them with speed. These is more easily done at low run speed.


  "notable": "Off Screen Super Block"
  "notable": "Speedball into Raised Bomb Blocks"
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 20,
    "openEnd": 2

Clears obstacles: F

From: 13
Central Junction
To: 7
Right Side - Bottom Middle Door (Behind the Super Block)

Stop with Temporary Blue in front of the bomb blocks then jump and bounce into the morph tunnel to clear them.


  "notable": "Off Screen Super Block"
  "notable": "Speedball into Raised Bomb Blocks"
  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 22,
    "openEnd": 2

Clears obstacles: F